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Ursprung Round


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862 m

70 m

5.9 km


Cross-country skiing, classic cross-country skiing, cross-country skating Ski-nordic-classic Ski-nordic-skating


Parking lot Mariandlalm


Parking lot Mariandlalm

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Tour description

Connection of the Bayrischzell cross-country skiing network to Tyrol.

The trail first leads across the border to Bavaria up to the Ursprungpass. Then the trail turns around and leads back to Tyrol across meadows and partly through forest down to the turnaround point just before the "Wacht" near Landl. Uphill it goes back to the parking lot Mariandlalm. The track is suitable for both classic and skating technique. From the parking lot Mariandlalm to the turning point only for skating tracked and suitable.


  • A8 Munich-Salzburg to Weyarn exit, via state road 2072 and B307 to Bayrischzell and Ursprungtal. From Kufstein follow the L37 via Thiersee and Landl to the parking lot Mariandlalm. 
  • Trains of the Bayerische Regiobahn (BRB) run hourly from Munich to Bayrischzell. From there cross-country bus.

    From Kufstein or Thiersee with line 4046 to Landl Wachtbrücke. With the KufsteinerlandCard you can take the bus free of charge within the region.
  • Parking lot Mariandlalm, fee required

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