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Klammwanderung Gießenbach


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2:00 h

699 m

237 m

4.4 km




Thierseer Str. 38, next to the water wheel


= starting point

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Tour description

Fascinating family hike through a gorge.

You start at the water wheel which is located in the Thierseerstraße in Kiefersfelden. Following the gravel road, you turn left past the electric power station to the steps. After about 150 steps, you will pass through the gorge along the path carved into the stone. When you reach the dam wall, you either follow the path on the right to the Schopperalm or on the left over the wooden bridge up the road. Then follow the signs to Troyer from where you have a wonderful panoramic view over the Inn valley. The path leads along the tarred road down to the starting point.


  • Schotter, Steig
  • Dem Wetter entsprechende Outdoor-Bekleidung (gutes Schuhwerk, Regenschutz, atmungsaktive Kleidung…)
    Jause (z.B. Obst, Müsliriegel, Vollkornbrote) und Getränke (ausreichend Flüssigkeit einplanen)
    Handy mit vollem Akku
    Wanderkarte und Führerliteratur
    Sonnenschutz (Sonnencreme- und Brille, Kappe)

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