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0:50 h

651 m

68 m

2.7 km






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Tour description

Exciting Route with 10 stations about the life of bees in the Thiersee valley!

The bee adventure trail along the Wachtl circuit informs about the life in the forest. How many different kinds of trees are the in a forest? How important is this habitat for animals and plants? These and further questions are answered by informative boards. Experience the fascinating empire of the bee colonies, the honey farm and the domestic forest and wild animals.
You can either walk the path on your own or in company of a beekeeper who can tell you everything about the bees. Visit the tyrolean bee alp and get some regional products as honey or honey flavored chewing gum.


  • broad path, short steep path
  • Outdoor clothing appropriate to the weather (good footwear, rain protection, breathable clothing...)
    Snacks (e.g. fruit, muesli bars, wholemeal breads) and drinks (make sure you drink enough)
    Mobile phone with full battery
    Hiking map and guide literature
    Sun protection (sun cream and glasses, cap)
  • From the centre of Thiersee (information office) in the direction of Kufstein, after about 1 km (just before the petrol station) turn left into the side street (Lechnergasse) and drive along the settlement to the Bienenalm.
  • Take the regional bus line 4046 to the stop Thiersee Krücklhof. In about 5 minutes walk follow the signs to the Bienenalm along the Krücklstraße.
  • Bienenalm

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