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Culinary route - Thiersee juniper


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1:20 h

1039 m

40 m

4.4 km




Gasthof Wastler


Gasthof Wastler

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Tour description

Explore the Riedenberg Valley and collect some of your own "Kranzn", as the juniper berries are called by the locals. On this culinary walk you follow the trail of juniper berries, which are essential for many smoked culinary delicacies.

The herbalist hiking guides of Kufsteinerland invite you to join them on an alm walk from Gasthof Wastler in the idyllic little hamlet of Riedenberg. The route crosses high pastures, follows a beautiful narrow path at the waterfall and reaches an unspoiled high moor. Then it's "shoes off and hop in". The soothing effect of the dark black, buttery soft moor earth will be a lasting memory - as will the scratchy, frayed juniper bushes or "Kranzn" that hang in their hundreds over the barren grass along the hiking route. The unassuming juniper berries, which turn a wonderful dark blue, almost black, when they ripen in autumn, reveal their aroma when squashed in the hand. The herbalists tell mystical stories about "Kranzn" on the hike. Then, at the end of the circuit walk around the Nöck, the aroma of the berries can be tasted in Gasthof Wastler - the host serves Kranzn smoked sausage and schnapps in the afternoon. Anyone who wants to know more about herbs can visit the herb spiral and put together their own wild herb quark spread.


  • Asphalt, forestry roads, narrow mountain path
  • Outdoor clothing appropriate to the weather (good footwear, rain protection, breathable clothing...)
    Snacks (e.g. fruit, muesli bars, wholemeal breads) and drinks (allow for sufficient liquid)
    Mobile phone with full battery
    Hiking map and guide literature
    Sun protection (sun cream and glasses, cap)
  • Arrival by car to Gasthof Wastler.
  • Gasthof Wastler

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