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Oberbichlhof Thiersee

Riding Icelandic horses

The mare trots energetically over the cobblestones, her foal behind her. The short mane of the little wild animal sticks up a bit like a mohawk. A loud neigh followed by a snort. Life for these Icelandic horses. Idyllic for horses, at the heart of the Tyrolean mountains of Kufsteinerland. A sunny spot above the Hinterthiersee lake. The Oberbichlhof Icelandic Horse Farm.

On horseback from Thiersee

The Oberbichlhof in Hinterthiersee is dedicated to Icelandic horses. From horse breeding to rides and riding lessons. From here, the horse rides lead out through the picturesque natural landscapes of Tyrol. For adults and children. Dressage and tolt lessons. Lunge sessions. Riding instruction for children aged 3 and over. FEBS®. The riding arena becomes an adventure playground. Individual and group lessons. Trail riding through the mountains of Tyrol. One and multiple day excursions. The world of the Icelandic horses at the heart of Thiersee.

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