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Gießenbachklamm Thiersee-Kiefersfelden – constantly dripping water

The surface of the smoothly polished rock is a shiny matt black. Scattered rays of sunshine fall into the gorge through the green treetops. At the bottom, white foaming water splashes over rocks. A natural scene of wild beauty that etches itself on the human mind just like the water has made its mark on the rock. In Gießenbachklamm you experience the power of water up close. An unforgettable natural experience.

Whispering flowing water

The path to the Gießenbachklamm power place leads over the Bavarian border and into neighbouring Kiefersfelden. The approximately one-hour hike through the gorge starts around three kilometres from the village centre. The starting point is easy to recognize. A historical water wheel, around seven meters in diameter, has been turning for decades, driven by the flow of nature. It’s not the only impressive artefact of the past that you will see on this journey.

The first section of the path leads along a wide forestry road through a sparse forest. You venture further and further into untouched nature. Every step toward the gorge is a step that takes you further from everyday life. A sense of peace descends. Observe the green and listen to the quiet of the forest. Hear leaves rustling on the trees. The gurgling of water flowing through the natural stream bed, only twenty centimetres deep and completely untouched.

Virtually experience the power place

The one and a half hour round walk, with creek, gorge, playground, water wheel and dam, is the perfect family tour on hot days.

Go to virtual reality

Tell stories, experience stories

Five minutes later you come across something unexpected. The forest opens up and you see an old power plant from another era. It was built in 1910 and has hardly changed since. Even today, this plant produces electricity for the municipality of Kiefersfelden. The history of electricity production can be experienced on a new “Energy trail” that connects more than twenty stations including water wheels and power plants.

The beautiful path through Gießenbachklamm was carved out of the rock at the turn of the century. For the planned power plant they wanted to create a connection between the picturesque dam in the upper reaches of the gorge and the plant located 150 meters below. Now it’s time to cover that height difference. 197 steep wooden steps lead upwards. You lose sight of the creek at this point, only for it to come back a little later in a breathtaking way.

Collect memories in nature

Gießenbachklamm offers a magnificent spectacle of sun and shade. The steep rock walls tower above you and bright light falls into the stream bed between the furrows and crevices. At the bottom the rock is smooth, polished, and slick from the constant flow of water. Wet with water vapour, it looks almost black. The foaming water in the gorge is white. A view that is full of contrasts, which you can hardly tear your eyes away from to look upwards.

Once you’ve seen enough you can continue along the rock. This gorge reminds you of the tremendous power of water. Constant dripping hollows out the rock, and for centuries the creek has been wearing its way through the mountain. At the end of the front Gießenbachklamm you can cross the river. Standing on the bridge you can look once more into the depths of the gorge and let yourself be enchanted by the beauty of this natural treasure.

Continuing along the creek takes you to the rear Gießenbachklamm. This is less well known and therefore a real insider’s tip. The river’s edge offers plenty of shady places for a rest. Your gaze wanders upwards and with closed eyes you notice a flickering. Light and shadow alternate with the movement of leaves. This flickering creates moving images, scenes from the gorge that won’t be forgotten any time soon. Reminders of nature that you can take home with you to remember over and over again.

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Was ist Natur Resonanz?

Natur Resonanz ist die Verbindung von der Natur zum Menschen und umgekehrt. Über das systematische Wahrnehmen der Vielfalt und Symbolik der Natur im Kufsteinerland Kraft Triangel und seiner reichen Landschaftsmythologie erleben wir uns selbst und vieles andere aus neuen Perspektiven. Natur Resonanz funktioniert an ausgewählten Landschaftspunkten über thematische Impulsfragen im Stehen oder Bewegen, im Wahrnehmen, Vergleichen, Erkennen. Es ist ein bewusst kombiniertes Zusammenspiel aus Naturplätzen mit Wegen, Wasserstellen und Weitsichten sowie Bewegungen und Atmungsformen für den ganzen Körper aus verschiedenen Kulturen und Disziplinen. So wird die Kufsteinerland Natur zu einer Tür exakt zu dem, was gerade aktuell und wichtig ist: sie führt Sie zu sich selbst. Das Kufsteinerland ist aus seiner erdgeschichtlichen geographischen Beschaffenheit heraus ein wahres Kraftjuwel: Die Täler und Gebirgszüge vom Eingang im Norden bei Erl bis zum Wilden Kaiser, die weiten Wälder und Wiesen im idyllischen, höher gelegenen Hinterthierseer Tal und die luftigen, lichten Höhenlagen am Sonnenplateau rund um den Kurort Bad Häring – genau diese vielfältigen Landschaftsformen von Schluchten und Höhlen bis hinauf zu grandiosen Höhen und Aussichtspunkten bilden das eindrucksvolle Kufsteinerland Kraft Triangel. Es lädt Sie ein zu tieferen Momenten der Bewegung. Neu und anders als üblich in Resonanz mit der Natur.

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