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Geocaching in Kufsteinerland

Modern scavenger hunt for young and old

Geocaching can best be described as a kind of scavenger hunt in the great outdoors. Only more modern. And more exciting. And with addictive potential. The aim here is also to find hidden treasures. In geocaching, GPS coordinates are used for this purpose. The principle is as simple as it is ingenious: the ‘owner’ hides something - the ‘cache’ - and publishes its coordinates. A GPS device or smartphone app can then be used to search for the cache. And then the adventure begins for individuals, groups and families, as the search takes you to places you would otherwise never get to see. Particularly exciting are the ‘lost places’, places that have been forgotten.

Geo... what? A brief introduction to the world of geocaching

To become a geocacher, you don't need much more than a smartphone and a geocaching app:

Simply download and install the app, register for free with a ‘nickname’ and you're ready to go. With the app, you can quickly find a cache in the neighbourhood and the corresponding description with the appropriate coordinates. The cache can then be searched for using these coordinates and the map stored on the app.

Easier said than done, but that's what makes the game so appealing. Once the cache has been found, the finder enters their nickname in the logbook and then hides the cache again for other treasure hunters. The cache can then be ‘logged’ via the app, i.e. entered online in the logbook on the platform. Of course, you can also search with a GPS device, in which case the cache can be logged at home or in the hotel via the website.

There are now a whole range of different caches to find

As a little help, there are sometimes ‘spoilers’ and ‘hints’ that provide photos, tips and information about the location of the cache.

What else do I need?

The further you venture into the mountains, the more important sturdy footwear, weatherproof clothing, provisions (food and drink), surefootedness and fitness become.

Discover treasures in Kufsteinerland

There are not only numerous natural treasures to discover in Kufsteinerland: Over 1000 caches are waiting to be found! Most of them are integrated into hikes, so-called ‘trails’. Various caches are lined up here. For some, the hiking experience takes centre stage, for others the cache is the experience (e.g. craft caches). With caches specially designed for children, a trip into the great outdoors becomes an unforgettable and exciting experience for little hikers.

One particularly enthusiastic geocacher is Fred Bull from Kufstein. He is by far the leading geocacher in Austria. In the Kaiser Mountains nature reserve, you can go on an exciting and fascinating treasure hunt with Austria's No. 1 hider (approx. 1,500 hidden geocaches) and immerse yourself in the impressive natural surroundings with treasure experiences. An entertaining and exciting exploration of the landscape, especially for children, but also for adults.

Fred Bull has also already published several one- to two-day trails. His ‘Wilde Kaiserin’ already comprises almost 700 geocaches and is well-known and famous throughout Europe. On numerous multi-day tours with overnight stays in mountain huts, geocachers can experience landscapes that flirt with them, i.e. always show themselves from other sides that want to (tantalisingly) please.

Embark on the adventure of geocaching. It's a fascinating way to explore places all over the world. Because one thing is certain: the local owners have filled their favourite places with geocaches to show others these beautiful spots. What do you often read in the ‘logs’? ‘Without geocaching, I would never have visited this beautiful place.’ That's right, we feel the same way all the time.

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