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Power place in Tyrol: Erl waterfall power place – green water

The path to the Erl waterfall leads past this peaceful natural jewel with its gemstone colours. Enjoy the peace and quiet here because once you arrive at the waterfall things get louder. Water thunders into the depths at this power place. A beautiful spectacle of nature.

Falling water

Hundreds of litres fall off the mountain every minute. Foaming white, the water falls over fifty meters to land thunderously in a large pool. Here the depth of the pool suddenly turns it greenish-black and the riverbed has been scooped out by the force of constantly falling water. White spray fills the air. Clouds of it billow through the landscape. A powerful image full of magic.

Sunlight breaks through the spray and a rainbow appears. On the left a bare rock wall towers upward, rugged and grey. On the other side there is a second wall that’s not grey. Instead it is covered in green moss, moistened by mist from the waterfall. The flow of the Trockenbach, which comes out of Steigental here, is impressive. Water jumps out, pouring into the basin as a mighty fountain.

Virtually experience the power place

Emerald green. Bluish green. Or maybe turquoise? The colour of the little lake lying lonesomely in the forest is hard to determine.

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Linger in nature

When visiting the waterfall in Erl you get just a few metres away from the roaring and raging water. You watch the natural spectacle from a small rise. In art history this pose is referred to as the “rear figure.” The most famous example is the painting “Wanderer above the Sea of Fog” by Caspar David Friedrich. This image is an icon of Romanticism and shows a man in a dark green overcoat gripping a walking stick and gazing out on a landscape covered in fog.

We, on the other hand, gaze across the foaming water to the waterfall and feel, if not romanticism, at the very least storminess and yearning. On reaching this power place you are gripped by an exhilarating feeling. While the path to the Erl waterfall is relaxing, on arrival you are given the feeling that you can accomplish great things. You feel the power of nature and are called on to achieve something. The constant rushing of water is inspiring.

The path to the green water

The waterfall in Erl is easy to reach. If arriving in Erl by car you can park near the Festival Hall. At the rear of the car park an asphalt road leads along the Mühlbach. The path splits at a farmhouse. A yellow sign points left towards the waterfall. After going past a few buildings, you reach the edge of the forest. Here the path splits again. Once again you take the left fork that leads directly along a small creek. The climb is secured with metal ropes. At the start it leads over a small bridge that is left over from an old power plant. There are also the remains of an old dam wall from the same plant, which are reached a few meters further along.

Bathing and swimming is not permitted here; no matter how inviting the water might be. You can see the ground thought the clear, green water. The colour changes based on the depth of the water. Is it bottle green? Fir green? Or pine green? Possibly all of the above, depending on the angle of the sun. On this circuit, water is always nearby. You can observe and question. Gaze at it and hope for an answer. This power place evokes emotions. You don’t need to search for them, you’ll find them. In the peace and in the rushing water.

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Was ist Natur Resonanz?

Natur Resonanz ist die Verbindung von der Natur zum Menschen und umgekehrt. Über das systematische Wahrnehmen der Vielfalt und Symbolik der Natur im Kufsteinerland Kraft Triangel und seiner reichen Landschaftsmythologie erleben wir uns selbst und vieles andere aus neuen Perspektiven. Natur Resonanz funktioniert an ausgewählten Landschaftspunkten über thematische Impulsfragen im Stehen oder Bewegen, im Wahrnehmen, Vergleichen, Erkennen. Es ist ein bewusst kombiniertes Zusammenspiel aus Naturplätzen mit Wegen, Wasserstellen und Weitsichten sowie Bewegungen und Atmungsformen für den ganzen Körper aus verschiedenen Kulturen und Disziplinen. So wird die Kufsteinerland Natur zu einer Tür exakt zu dem, was gerade aktuell und wichtig ist: sie führt Sie zu sich selbst. Das Kufsteinerland ist aus seiner erdgeschichtlichen geographischen Beschaffenheit heraus ein wahres Kraftjuwel: Die Täler und Gebirgszüge vom Eingang im Norden bei Erl bis zum Wilden Kaiser, die weiten Wälder und Wiesen im idyllischen, höher gelegenen Hinterthierseer Tal und die luftigen, lichten Höhenlagen am Sonnenplateau rund um den Kurort Bad Häring – genau diese vielfältigen Landschaftsformen von Schluchten und Höhlen bis hinauf zu grandiosen Höhen und Aussichtspunkten bilden das eindrucksvolle Kufsteinerland Kraft Triangel. Es lädt Sie ein zu tieferen Momenten der Bewegung. Neu und anders als üblich in Resonanz mit der Natur.

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