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Power places in Tirol: Tischofer cave Ebbs

Hidden treasure deep in the mountain

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It's gloomy, the water dropping down from the ceiling and just a single beam of light lighting up the hole in the mountain. Where in the past humans fought for survival, one of the most mystical power places in Kufsteinerland is found: the Tischofer Cave.

Step-by-step to the power place

You definitely have to earn the right to see this unique place in Kaisertal Valley. The challenging climb with the sheer endless seeming steps make many a visitor break into a sweat. The journey begins in the community of Ebbs: "You can leave your car on the large parking lot in the district of Eichelwang. Those who take the bus will find a bus stop right in front", mountain guide Harald Löffel explains. The hike starts with a challenge: 307 steps to negotiate. Having conquered these, a turn-off to the right after some ten minutes walk leads down towards the valley floor. Bend by bend you hike along the switchbacks downhill, until after a total of around 45 minutes you get to the mystical cave in the ground.

Between fear and awe

A carefree mood prevails in front of the cave. The colourful forests gleaming in the sun, the birds chirping and the gurgling of the stream make for a reassuring feeling. The peaceful atmosphere abruptly changes as soon as you take a look into the dark cave through the eight metre long entrance. "40 metres deep the hole protrudes into the earth", Harry explains. Imagine what may have taken place here and who lived here? Harry reveals more about the darkly stories to us, which lend the place its mysticism.

The hiding place from the enemy

What irrepressible force nature has, Harald knows to tell: "The cave was shaped by the water. In the Stone Age, the Kaiserbach stream flowed directly past it. In the centuries past, the Kaiserbach Valley was formed through which the river flows". And some 37,000 years ago, many a thing came to pass in the cave. "The inhabitants of the Kaiser Valley always sought shelter here in times of war. With the secret password ´Tischober´, which the inhabitants came up with, everyone got together in the cave. That's also where the name Tischofer cave comes from", Harald explains. But it's not only people but also animals who use the hiding place as their shelter. "Archaeological excavations revealed animal and human bones, as well as weapons, arrow and spear heads. Proof that the Tischofer cave has always provided protection.

The queasy feeling at the end of the cave

Those who sum up all their courage and venture some 40 metres into the cave are overcome by a strange feeling. Nothing can be heard except the trickling of the damp limestone walls. The entrance becomes a tiny opening letting in the daylight. What may people have experienced here? If you close your eyes, the thoughts run wild and you wonder what it may have been like back then. You learn to appreciate what you have and the modern way of life. "I recommend every visitor to take some time and spend a few minutes in the cave. The mystical atmosphere is what makes this place so special and thought-provoking", Harold explains the magic ambience of the power place.

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