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Ebbs ‘cathedral’

Baroque beauty

The building is simple in appearance. At the top is an onion tower. Just a few embellishments. Reserved. Mostly just colour accents. A white base colour with delicate yellow borders along the edges and corners. Nothing to indicate what awaits visitors inside! A church which is truly surprising. Ebbs ‘cathedral’.

Surprises inside

Baroque beauty, as the protected monument of Ebbs parish church is often lovingly known. And quite rightly. Because the simple exterior is certainly deceptive. Impressive decoration. Rich ornamentation. Breath-taking painted ceilings. A hand-carved Madonna. Dazzling chandeliers. A high altar of gold. The Parish Church ‘’Of Our Lady’ is not known as one of Tyrol’s most beautiful baroque churches without good reason!

A landslide for the church

The church was built between 1748 and 1756 under the direction of the Bavarian master builder Abraham Millauer. According to legend, the completion of the church was in danger due to a lack of bricks. But the site manager’s prayers were answered and during the night, there was a landslide which brought the materials needed to finish the church crashing down into the valley. Visits are possible at any time. Church tours can be organised with the Ebbs parish office.

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