Vier Jahreszeiten im Janoska Style

Come along and experience the invigorating melody of spring at our spring concert on 10 May in the multi-purpose hall of the Schwoich elementary school! The Sängerrunde Schwoich cordially invites you to an unforgettable evening full of music and singing. In addition to the classical choir, the women's choir and the children's choir will also be performing. Look forward to a rousing performance by our talented singers.
Entrance fee: voluntary donation
Location: Schwoich elementary school
Start: 19:30
End: 22:00
Possibile acquisto biglietti online
Vai al sito Web dei bigliettiCome along and experience the invigorating melody of spring at our spring concert on 10 May in the multi-purpose hall of the Schwoich elementary school! The Sängerrunde Schwoich cordially invites you to an unforgettable evening full of music and singing. In addition to the classical choir, the women's choir and the children's choir will also be performing. Look forward to a rousing performance by our talented singers.
Entrance fee: voluntary donation
Location: Schwoich elementary school
Start: 19:30
End: 22:00
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