Theater: Trennung für Feiglinge

Theatre play based on the successful film by Florian David Fitz
It was Vincent's mother's last wish: to go to the sea once more. That's why Vincent is now determined to at least bring her ashes to the Italian coast. But first he has to get out of the psychiatric hospital to which his father has unceremoniously consigned him. He is an aspiring local politician in the middle of an election campaign, and an adult son with Tourette's syndrome is the last thing he needs.
Together with anorexic Marie and compulsive neurotic Alex, he steals Dr Rose's car and sets off on his journey - pursued by Dr Rose, who is worried about her patients, and Vincent's father, who believes his career is at risk. But setting off into the unknown presents them with major challenges: Alex is afraid of bacteria, Marie is afraid of food, and they both fear losing control. This results in moments of great tenderness and absurd comedy, but also existential distress: none of the three are used to being on their own, and while Vincent and Alex get into massive arguments, Marie's refusal to eat becomes life-threatening.
Florian David Fitz's screenplay was made into a film with him in the leading role to great acclaim and was honoured with the Bavarian Film Award for Best Screenplay, among others.
The film stars:
Elia Ritter (Vincent), Katharina Tima (Marie), Elias Kohl (Alexander), Hannes Lemberger (Robert) Gaby Zeindl (Dr Rose), Lena Middldorf (various roles)
Director: Verena Kirchner
Assistant director: Vernena Huber
Production manager & stage manager: Stefan Bric
Technology: Adrian Mair
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Vai al sito Web dei bigliettiTheatre play based on the successful film by Florian David Fitz
It was Vincent's mother's last wish: to go to the sea once more. That's why Vincent is now determined to at least bring her ashes to the Italian coast. But first he has to get out of the psychiatric hospital to which his father has unceremoniously consigned him. He is an aspiring local politician in the middle of an election campaign, and an adult son with Tourette's syndrome is the last thing he needs.
Together with anorexic Marie and compulsive neurotic Alex, he steals Dr Rose's car and sets off on his journey - pursued by Dr Rose, who is worried about her patients, and Vincent's father, who believes his career is at risk. But setting off into the unknown presents them with major challenges: Alex is afraid of bacteria, Marie is afraid of food, and they both fear losing control. This results in moments of great tenderness and absurd comedy, but also existential distress: none of the three are used to being on their own, and while Vincent and Alex get into massive arguments, Marie's refusal to eat becomes life-threatening.
Florian David Fitz's screenplay was made into a film with him in the leading role to great acclaim and was honoured with the Bavarian Film Award for Best Screenplay, among others.
The film stars:
Elia Ritter (Vincent), Katharina Tima (Marie), Elias Kohl (Alexander), Hannes Lemberger (Robert) Gaby Zeindl (Dr Rose), Lena Middldorf (various roles)
Director: Verena Kirchner
Assistant director: Vernena Huber
Production manager & stage manager: Stefan Bric
Technology: Adrian Mair
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