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Kindertheater: Mein Freund Patschert

Sabrina annoys, Patrick. She doesn't know why herself. Because it's funny, she says. Patrick knows what it's like to feel ashamed. And Sabrina actually knows that too. Then she decides to make friends with Patrick. And with being a Patschert.

Duration: approx. 40 min

Recommended age: from 6 years

Languages: German, Turkish, Croatian, English

By and with:
Anne Clausen, Salha Fraidl, Juliana Haider, Katarina Hauser, Verena Schopper and Wiltrud Stieger


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Kindertheater: Mein Freund Patschert - Kufstein

Sabrina annoys, Patrick. She doesn't know why herself. Because it's funny, she says. Patrick knows what it's like to feel ashamed. And Sabrina actually knows that too. Then she decides to make friends with Patrick. And with being a Patschert.

Duration: approx. 40 min

Recommended age: from 6 years

Languages: German, Turkish, Croatian, English

By and with:
Anne Clausen, Salha Fraidl, Juliana Haider, Katarina Hauser, Verena Schopper and Wiltrud Stieger

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